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Stop and search: A guide for parents and children, plus short film

Our guide focuses on keeping children as safe as possible during interactions with the police

*This guide has been made in consultation with parents’ groups, children and young people who have been stopped and searched*

Are you a parent or carer concerned and unsure how to support children who are stop and searched by the police?

Many parents who have spoken to StopWatch agreed it is important for their children to know how to conduct themselves during an encounter with the police, yet, some do not feel confident supporting their children in dealing with police interactions, and many others had never spoken about stop and search with their child at all.

It is clear to us at StopWatch that there is a need for resources to be widely available to support anyone who cares for or works with children and young people.

Made in consultation with parents’ groups, children and young people who have been stopped and searched, Stop and Search: A Guide for Parents and Children uses a harm reduction approach that focuses on keeping children as safe as possible during interactions with the police.

The guide outlines what should happen during a stop and search and contains key information and tips to help support children and their parents: before any police interaction occurs, immediately after a stop and search, and over time if a child is stopped repeatedly or has a particularly negative interaction with the police.

Hear from parents sharing how they have coped with the stop and search of their children in our short film.

Receive the guide free of charge by contacting us at

To download the guide/watch the film, follow the links below.

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