Research and action for fair and accountable policing

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About StopWatch

Turning a spotlight on stop and search, campaigning against the overpolicing of marginalised communities

Formed in 2010 as a coalition of academics, lawyers, civil society representatives, and community stakeholders, StopWatch works to promote fair, effective, and accountable policing in England and Wales, with a primary focus on stop and search.

We use our research into stop and search outcomes to act against disproportionality and injustice. This involves campaigning for evidence-based policies, challenging police malpractice, and empowering overpoliced communities to find solutions for instances of harassment and abuse.

StopWatch is run by a small team of paid staff supported by a cast of volunteering members, and overseen by a board of trustees with expertise and lived experience of criminal justice policy and legislation.

We are funded by the generous donations of the public and grants awarded by philanthropic and corporate institutions, usually for conducting specific community-led projects and research. We do not receive state funding – this ensures our independence on policing policy. Further information about our funders is available via our page on the Charity Commission website. If you require more information about how StopWatch is funded, please contact

Our funders

AB Charitable Trust

AB Charitable Trust

Warner Music Group / Blavatnik Family Foundation Social Justice Fund

Warner Music Group / Blavatnik Family Foundation Social Justice Fund

Esmée Fairbairn

Esmée Fairbairn

Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Paul Hamlyn Foundation

The National Lottery Community Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund

Our team

Shenna Darcheville
Youth voice and participation lead
Youth voice and participation lead for StopWatch
Habib Kadiri
Executive director
Executive director for StopWatch
Rachel Zerihan
Operations manager
Operations manager for StopWatch
Rebecca Dooley
Legal advocacy manager
Legal advocacy manager for StopWatch
Jodie Bradshaw
Policy advocacy lead
Policy advocacy lead for StopWatch

We receive free charity hosting of our website courtesy of Kualo.

Support our work

Any amount we receive helps to support us in our mission and keeps us independent


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