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StopWatch response to the Independent Advisory Group on stop and search in Scotland

StopWatch responds to the Scottish government's consultation on stop and search

The Independent Advisory Group on Stop and Search in Scotland launched a consultation into the use of stop and search in Scotland, with particular reference to the issue of consensual stop and searches of people aged 12 and over (Police Scotland recently confirmed they would no longer use consensual searches in relation to those aged under 12 and that there would be a presumption against consensual stop and search).

StopWatch responds to the Advisory Group's Call for Evidence by addressing the following themes:

  1. Consider and report to Scottish ministers on whether a presumption against consensual stop and search [as proposed by Police Scotland] goes far enough or alternatively, if there should be an absolute cessation of the practice.
  2. Develop a draft code of practice that will underpin the use of stop and search in Scotland.
  3. Legislative options in relation to stop and search, including ways in which the code of practice can have a legislative basis; and
  4. The use of statutory stop and search in relation to children and young people for more general safeguarding and wellbeing.

In addition we also addressed the following themes: strip searches, traffic stops, searches for drugs, 'schedule 7' examinations and detentions at ports, and racial or socio-economic disparities in stops and searches.

You can read our response in full in the attached document

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