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StopWatch’s submission to the Home Office consultation on schedule 7 code of practice

Read our submission to the Home Office public consultation on a new code of practice for schedule 7

Schedule 7 is the widest ranging stop and search power in the UK and gives police officers at ports the power to question, search and also detain people for up to 6 hours without requiring any suspicion to believe that the person is involved in terrorism.

The code of practice governs how people are questioned, searched or detained and is meant to provide ports police practical guidance on how to use schedule 7. The Home Office revised the codes of practice to take into account recent legislative changes under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Police Act 2014 and then put it out to public consultation and you can click on the link below to read our response.

Because of the narrow scope of the consultation, we used the last question to expand beyond that and cover a much wider range of issues relevant to schedule 7 and how we felt it should be reformed.

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